Thursday, February 24, 2011

Whitewater Heaven

Damn the rain, thank God for the rain. The rain transforms Osage Creek in the Gorge into a dominant feature of our homesite. It thunders all around us , it is visible for a good 200 yards of boiling rapids from where our deck will be perched not 70 yards away. We will be able to watch the kayaks run the rapids from the deck above, hopefully I will join them. There is a trail along the top of the bluffs of the Gorge where you can look down on the creek and almost scout the rapids. When it rains, the Gorge becomes a special place and an excitement is in the air. But what I need is dry, dry ,dry. That day will come, but for now I will enjoy the awesome beauty of the Osage Gorge in full flood.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

False Start

Concrete crew showed up on Monday morning ready to pour footings, but road was too soft for the concrete trucks. (Xcgsewaijnhbyccjjxxxkkiiklljj) This is driving me crazy, but I knew that this could happen. We could have built in a easier place, but what would be the challenge in that. The price for having a site like ours is access during the wet season. This period will require the most patience and luck, enough dry time to dry out the road and site and a day to prepare and pour the footings. More rain is in the forcast so we have to wait another week at least. I am using this time to fine tune the design of the interior of the house, and continue working on the road and site. If the rains come, maybe I will get to do some kayaking to keep my mind sane.