Sunday, December 29, 2013

Falling Off Falling Water Falls

This is what I would like to be doing right now. Hopefully, I can get back to it soon. This is Falling Water Falls, and it's fun to run over and over. I finally was able to download vidios from my camera, and I'm going to share some over the next few posts.

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Jones Family Christmas At The Cabin

God bless all of our family, I hope everyone enjoyed it as much as I did. It was awesome getting to catch up with so many of our beloved family members. Heres to a Happy 2014.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

First Vidio of Osage Creek

This is test run of the first video I have loaded, thanks to daughter Whitney for helping the old man come into the 21st century. Many more are to follow.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Christmas Season Begins

Let's see now, This is just Dec. 13th, and we have had total snow cover for 9 straight days. I mean it feels like we are living in a ski resort, hardly any of it has melted. The roads are beginning to clear up on the main highways, but down in the gorge there has been no clearing. But, it is beautiful, and I wake up each day and look out my window and just say "wow". The worst thing is that the nights have been so brutal, that I have not been able to enjoy the outside fireplace. Hopefully, saturday night will be nice enough that I can hang out and build a big warm fire. And by nice enough, I mean temps in the 30s without a  northern wind, and that is exactly what  is forecasted, yeehaw. Also, the full moon is this weekend, and the reflection on the snow  from the full moon is fantastic. Jordan and Alex will arrive Sunday, as will Whitney and Brian, so let the festivities begin, our first Christmas with our newest member of the Jones clan. I am going to just enjoy all of my family this Holiday season, and savor every moment, because life can change in the blink of an eye. Hopefully, we will not get another round of snow that is being forecast for next weekend and avoid any travel problems for the family. I am going to drop into the Gorge tommoro and get some good snow pictures, so check back.  Love to all, the Hollohead

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Snow Scenes From Our Deck

Very beautiful, very expensive snow scenes to wake up to the past couple days. The problem with owning your own business is that days like these close the store. Right during Christmas shopping season, ouch! But of course all one can do is make the best of things, and appreciate all of our blessings, life has a way of coming back around. It's time to decorate for Christmas anyway, so that should help elevate the mood, and Matt has missed school the past 2 days so he is happy. Soon, our daughters will arrive for the holidays, bringing much joy and activity to our slow winter household. I can't wait, I love their company and their families, and this will be an awesome Christmas season. Today, we hope to procure a tree and bring in the spirit of the season. Enjoy the snow, and love to all.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Outlaw Hollow is Out There

Sunday, we took a hike in Outlaw Hollow, enjoying the place that started it all. I remember well walking down the road into the Hollow for the first time, thinking to myself, 'this is it, this place is magical'. And it was, and it was meant for the Jones's to discover and buy, and it was so much fun and adventure, so much work but fun work. One of our greatest accomplishments, and a time in life to look back at and cherish. I remember just about every day and every nail, and all the stories, and all the commaraderie. Not many people get to experiance something like what we pulled off in Outlaw Hollow, it has hosted 2 marraiges, and numerous parties and family gatherings, and countless peaceful weekends for our family. I can still see Nan on the back deck, looking out over the beautiful view and just being so at peace. Outlaw Hollow changed my life and brought my family to where we are now, it is something permanent in an ever changing world. It is a lasting testament to our family, and to our heritage, and that is something that not everyone has. And like Brother Dave says, 'Outlaw Hollow is out there'. I really like that. Love to all, the Hollohead

Matt's Razorchair

The inventor

Boys on a rock

King of the mountain

Should I jump

Our monument valley

On the edge


Entrance to the upper canyon

Rinocerous Rock

The Pedastal

Bridge to the Peadastal

One of the first things I saw when I found Outlaw Hollow