Tuesday, October 18, 2011


The Light Show

Over the weekend we had visitors from Outlaw Hollow over to The Gorge. It was nice to show off the place and great to hear everyones typical comment to the deck, WOW. The awesome deck is a special place up in the trees overlooking and almost sitting on top of The Gorge. Pictures really don't do it justice, it's more of an experiance. My brother Dave  said something I really liked, he was talking about what he called the light show. I'm sure he coined the phrase from what happens in Outlaw Hollow at dusk. The setting of the sun and the differant angles as it sets and casts it's rays through the forrest. Well, from the vantage of the awesome deck this phenomenon plays out spectacularly on the Gorge below and the canyon surrounding us. It's very hard to not just sit back and enjoy this scene, which lasts from when the sun goes behind the trees, and continues for at least an hour. Some things you don't plan, they just make themselves apparant after you get it done. The forrest is going bare in areas, opening sight lines into the Gorge, and it's becoming obvious that the view from the awesome deck is going to be stunning. This 1st change of the seasons is exciting, each season will have it's own special appeal here in the Gorge  and I can't wait to fill in the blanks.                                    SYITGS Hollohead