Friday, April 22, 2011

More Rain

We really need rain. The past two nights we have had huge 100 mile wide systems bearing down on us with the certainty of massive rain. Then right before it gets to us, magically somehow stops or goes around us. Of course I have not done any work becouse of what seems to be so certain. And there is no water in the Buffalo, at least the level that is needed for good kayak fun. I've hired a crew who is supposed to work for me next week, but it looks like it's going to rain all week. After next week they wont be available, so it looks like I'm out of luck with that. To tell the truth, the elements are kicking my ass. You need some luck sometimes, and I'm sure that things will turn around and quick progress will be made. Meantime, I need to get my jolly's out in the wild. The past few days have been very stressful at work and I need to recharge my optimism. I'm waiting to see if the river came up enough to go surfing at Greyrock, or if I will just go into the Gorge for a hike.   Happy Easter everyone. Easter was always a big day with my Mom, and we will go help my Dad to celebrate just like we always did. Easter will always be a day when I really miss her the most. We always went to church and sang so loudly together, we love you Mom.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Frustration getting me down

My helper did not show up today, niether did my desire. I usually push on hard and just accomplish what I can, but today I just kind of gave up. I did a few things getting ready to set the joists, but was really bummed out becouse what I thought was going to be a very productive day; was not. My longtime companion and best frriend 'Jazz' is in bad shape also, and may not make it. This really gets me down. I hoped that Jazz would make it long enough to be a fixture on the new deck, but this may not be the case. I definately wont count him out, he is an amazing dog and one hell of a fighter.  My energy and drive need to resurface, I need to make things happen every day.  I must finish this house so I can enjoy the reasons we moved up here. I must stop putting so much preasure on myself. I must stop talking to myself. I'm starting to laugh about all the things I must do, but more than anything I must paddle and play guitar. sometimes a man just needs to ramble on about nothing.  Peace Out Brothers and Sisters