Thursday, July 14, 2011

Closer to Dried In

The master deck is AWESOME. Friday we will be dried in. Next is windows and doors and soffetts and the huge deck. Ready for mechanics by the end of July. Must procure huge cedar posts, it may be time to bride the man I know has them not 1 mile from our house. If this fails I saw some logs up around Fallsville the other day. Well, got get out and enjoy the full moon. Adios

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Master Deck

Metal Roof

Most of the timeI feel like I could have done as good or better job than any sub I hire, but David has done a fantastic job on the metal roof. He definately has tought me some tricks that I will use whenever I install metal roofing. The trim and flashing is all top knotch work also, and the screws are all spaced perfectly. Too bad Dave had to go to Atlanta for awhile, but we are pressing on with the crew we have. Had a good day today and it was cooler, making it easier to keep working. The master deck roofing framework is completed and tommoroe we will deck, tarpaper, and put the purlins on what remains undone. Hopefully, we will get some metal roofing on too. My schedule is to be completely dried in with decks on before we leave for vacation at the end of july. I'm in great shape to get that done. Got the bid for the foam insulation back today and it was under budget by 800.00. Yahoo, my budget looks great too!!!!I'm starting to think I could get this done by Christmas. Should not have said that.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Roof Coming to Completion

Had a big day today, the roof is coming along fast and I am hard pressed to be ready when they catch up with me. I really felt for the guys on the metal roof, it was a scorcher today. But the guys know what my goal is, to be dried in when David leaves for Atlanta wednesday morning. With a hard day tomorrrow, we just might make it. Me and Richard mixed and poured 30 bags of concrete for the piers on the master deck, which is way too much, but Tim dug the holes too big. One things for sure, it aint comin off the mountain. The framing support for the roof overhangs was a bigger project than I counted on, and I think we came up with a design and plan that really works and looks good. I think it adds an element of post and beam construction to our already hybrid house. Actually, with a recently thought of design feature, the front of the house has really taken on a much better look