Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Winter is Made for Hiking

A beautiful weekend in the Buffalo River country, and I took advantage of it. Good friends Jim and Kelly Edmistan and our kids joined me on a couple of hikes into different side canyons of Cecil Cove, a major feeder creek into the Buffalo River. On saturday, we enjoyed Broadwater Hollow and Mud Cave about a 4 mile walk that visited a caver's campsite where folks have constructed rock chairs around a fire ring. These things are works of art, they look like something out of The Lord of the Rings movies, and I got a lot of pictures of us all sitting in them acting like kings of the rock chair council. Unfortunately, I forgot to put an SD card in my camera, and all of the pictures from that day's hike were lost.  We also visited the entrance to Mud cave, one of the many caves in Cecil Hollow. It would be very easy to scramble down into the cave and do some exploring, however, all caves in the National Park are closed, due to a issue with the Indiana Bat populations hibernating inside of them. Still, a cool place to visit. and it was a good turnaround spot for us. On Sunday, we hiked into the upper slot canyon of Thunder Canyon Falls. There were 10 of us from 3 differant families, which was kinda neat. A great time was had by all, and we became aquainted with Matt Nelson, his wife Rhonda, and their 2 girls. Great people, and we enjoyed their company. On Saturday night, I took  a walk around in the woods and fields while keeping the house in sight, led by the light of the close to full moon, just soaking it all up. A beautiful time to be outside. I also took some really cool pictures of the house and trees that I will share. Hopefully, the river will hold enough water to get out this next weekend and do some camping, cross my fingers.     Love and Happiness to all, The Hollohead