Friday, April 27, 2012

I admit it, I am addicted to my deck. Every night after putting Matt to bed, I slip away down to the house, start a fire in the outdoor fireplace, and enjoy star gazing and practicing my guitar until sometimes 1 am. It has become my favorite place, and as long as the weather is good, I,m sure I will spend tons of time there. Last night,  I wrote down some lyric to a song I have been playing around with for awhile, just came into my head while enjoying the fire. This is a good sign, and I think alot of things will just come to me sitting out on the deck. I so wish I could post pictures, I have so many new things to share, but the old laptop is down and out and I cannot figure out how to post pics on this thing. The woodwork on the inside is really something special and really will be a conversation piece. Cherry and walnut go together like the Buffalo river and good times, and as it ages it deepens in color and richness. I will post later aboutnall the progress made the last week and all the new happenings. Meanwhile, dad and I are going to hang out on the deck tonight with a fire. So pray for rain and maybe syotrs  The Hollowhead