Saturday, October 15, 2011

Lazy Fall

The recent light rains were needed, but wow did they slow down fall. Don't know how things will shape up now, guess I'll just watch it all happen. There is company on the mountain this weekend!!! yippeee. The wives are all in Eureka Springs for the annual gettogether in honor of my Mom, so all the men are on the mountain. Matt will get to play with Cooper and Lucy so he will be happy, and I get to hang out with my brothers. During my last 2 lazy weeks, I have at least got everything ordered and ready for the next big push. Rock is ordered, picture windows ordered, septic system on the schedule, the massive cedar log posts are soon to come out of the woods, and I have sources for cherry and walnut lumber. My next projects are; 1. install french drain front deck and shed roof 3. build and install ext. door and pecture window frames. Other items need completion, but I have to concentrate on getting the insulation done before anything else, and these projects must be done to do so. The siding is looking awesome, and Scott has done a great job. Pretty soon, the only thing left on the outside will be rockwork and wood ceiling over the decks. Well actually, there is also the front entry porch and all the cedar log posts, but I'm not worried about completing the outside. I'm working on the inside in my mind right now, and I can't wait to get started. I think I am just tired of the ext. projects, and will be inspired by the interior finish. Or maybe, I just need a hot tub soak.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Fall coming fast

Got a little rain last night, should delay fall colors a little, but I think we are going to have one of the best falls in a long time. I will try and get pics on here everyday to show the progress. The electricians are working everyday and should finish in a couple more. The lights are hard to pick out, so many choices and styles to choose from. But, I think we have done a good job getting the right feel for the house. I must admit, I must be suffering a little burnout from too much work. I just have not had the fire burning in me, and have tended to be lazy lately. One thing we accomplished this week was to make final selections on the rock, much easier than I thought it would be. Robyn made up her mind in less than 30 min., a new record. I got lucky, becouse I love her selection in style and color. I also got lucky when I met Robyn, becouse I love her too.  Hopefully things will clear up and Scott will get back to the siding. Enjoy this great day!!!  SYOTMS