Sunday, July 17, 2011


Big day friday, metal roof is complete over the main body of the house. This has been work that I did not want to do, becouse of being uncomfortable 30' up on a slippery roof. And thank god I found some excellant help to do a great job. Next week we will do all of the soffitts and facia first, then install all the windows up high. At the same time, we will be building the massive main deck so we can put on the shed roof over the deck. I have all my subs hired except sheetrock, and over the next month we will see the place really take shape. It is exciting to be close to finishing the framing portion of the project, and get to what I'm good at; trim carpentry. I am still looking for my cedar posts, and it's time to get my cherry log cut into lumber. I will start on these types of projects while the guys are finishing all the tall work. In 2 weeks, vacation on the beach for 10 days. Yahoo!!!!

Matts 1st Stitches

So, I'm at the house with Matt and he's riding his bike inside the house. To get there he has to cross the 2x12 bridge. He did fine on his way in, but did not make it on the way out. I heard screams of anguish and came racing down the stairs to find that Matt had cracked open his head after failing to negotiate the bridge and crashed his bike. The blood was everywhere, and I had no idea what the extent of his injury was. I gathered him up and put him in the truck and raced to the top. I carried him in the house and Robyn cleared away the blood to see that the young man had a nasty gash about 1" long on his forehead. We both knew that he would need stitches so we jumped in the truck and took off for the hospital. Man, what a tough kid. He did not cry at all at the hospital, and as soon as they were through patching him up he jumped up and started cracking jokes and wanted to see his injury. Me and Mom knew he was going to be fine. The problem is that he has swimming lessons again this week, and he cant swim until the stitches are out. The thing he was worried about was not being able to go to the river. Oh well, at least he will be ready for the beach in 2 weeks. This was his 1st major injury, and it scared us quite good. After the whole affair, he had to call his surragate grandmother up here on the mountain and tell her all about it. Priceless.