Friday, June 10, 2011

Hot Time in the Summer

Matt is out of school now, so we are getting into the summer routine. I work down at the house all day until around 4, then we load up and make a trip down to the swimming hole. Right now we have been going to Steele Cr. everyday, but there are several places we will go this summer. It's a great routine to cool down in the chilly waters of the Buffalo after being so hot during the day. It also gives Matt something to look forward to, everyone is making sacrifices to get our house done and he is too. The Osage is still making noise in the Gorge, but the hot sun is quickly drying up all the flood waters still pouring out of the hills. There are always people camping at Steele Cr. even in the middle of the week. I told Matt that it was so beautiful that people came from far away to stay there. We counted cars from Texas, Missourri, Oklahoma, and Kansas yesterday, and he was very impressed. When we were driving up the hill away from the river, he said "Dad, I love the river". I said "son, I do too". Priceless. This week has been spent laying the groundwork for the next big push. The piers for the deck are complete, and we finished piers-posts- and beam for the mudroom. This means it's time to put on the roof and deck, so big progress will happen over the next 2 weeks. I need to be finished framing with the roof on no later than 1 month from now.

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