Monday, October 24, 2011

Fall in the Gorge

Great weekend of weather up here, just wish I felt better to enjoy it. The fall is just really moving slow, but it has been beautiful. I keep expecting to wake up one day and it be at peak, but man has it been wonderful to have such a long fall. Matt and I went to Boxley Valley yesterday and the tourists were crawling all over the place. We went to the Ponca bridge to test Matt's pirate ship that we made, and there was a fawn that appeared to be tame. Was not afraid of people at all, and I snapped a couple of pictures of Matt actually petting him. The progress of the house has slowed considerably, mainly becouse I have not felt well for over a week. But I'm feeling a little better and it's time to really put it in gear. I won't have Scott working with me this week, and the electrician has been gone for over 2 weeks, so if somethings gonna get done it will be me.  Just got a call from the mill, the big cedar logs are on the yard!!!!!! I'm gonna go check em out becouse this is exciting and will make a huge differance in how the house looks.  My projects now are Ext. door frames and plate glass frames and finishing the railing. Time to get moving and I highly recommend that everyone get out and enjoy this beautiful fall. SYOTMS


  1. That dear is tame!!! Craziness.
    Also, I want to hear more about that pirate ship.


  2. So... I really meant "deer," not "dear." Duh.
