Thursday, December 15, 2011

Sheetrock Goes Up

A very busy time of the year no doubt, and trying to build a house at the same time just adds on to the load. But I aint complaining, in fact I'm very lucky to have Robyn pick up my slack while I'm building us this place. Her reward will be great. The  sheetrock guys have been here a couple of days, and they really get after it. The same cannot be said about the guys who delivered it, the guy jumps out of the truck and says to me; "they don't pay me enough to do this s---". And then refuses to take any rock upstairs, leading me to call and insist that they do just that. The store sent out 3 other guys the next day, and I helped them carry it upstairs. It was not hard at all, 20 trips up the stairs for all of us hauling 100 lb. sheets per team. I have been busy finding and fixing a very persistant leak in some roof to wall flashing, and I think I finally have it done. My electrician continues to be a thorn in my side as several things were not done correctly or at all causing issues with the sheetrock. This really burns me, thousands over budget, and an incomplete job on top of that. My biggest mistake so far, and if anyone wants his name I will gladly email it to you.  The house really takes shape when the rock goes on the walls, and you get the feel of the floorplan. I hope Robyn likes it, as she has a hard time visualizing what things will look like when they are done. Out of all the delivery guys and the  guys sheetrocking, the universal reaction is WOW.  In fact, almost every person who has come and stepped out on the decks overlooking the Gorge, says "WOW". There is just no way to convey the scale of it all through pictures or words, and I say WOW everytime I check it out many times a day. SYITGS RJ

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