Thursday, October 25, 2012

Last of Everything

Well now, things are drawing to a close on the interior of the house, and we will spend our first night there on saturday night. This week has been an exciting one, our new furniture was delivered, we set up the refridgerator, dishwasher and washer and dryer were delivered and set up yesterday, kitchen sink is hooked up, and the master vanity top is now complete. The master vanity top is simply the coolest thing I have ever built, I call it the cobblestone creek- shadowbox countertop. A very difficult project to say the least, making wood perfect is impossible. It took me a while, but I finally convinced Robyn to let me do the vanity the way I wanted. I knew she would love it in spite of what she said, and I know she does, and I don't believe I have ever seen anything like it, which makes it one of a kind! The place is slowly turning into a home, and the end of this once in a lifetime experiance. This makes me very happy and satisfied, it's time to do something else. I can't wait to play guitar hour after hour, I can't wait for when the river comes up and I can go whenever I want, I can't wait to set other priorities, I can't wait to hike in the Gorge every morning, I can't wait to NOT have something that has to get done. But, it's all been worth it in the end, nothing outstanding is easy or simple,and there is always a price or sacrifice made. I'm afraid that this is whats missing from society today, people just don't get that it's the struggle that makes us what we are, take away our struggles and you get weak people. I have about a week of trim carpentry left inside, and a few days to build the island, and the interior will be complete. After that, there is a couple of weeks of work left outside to complete the entire house, and complete my goal in less than 2 years. I will post pics of the latest developments later, Good Day, RJ

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