Monday, January 6, 2014

Brutal Cold Brings Trouble to Paradise

Dang, things are not going so well with this blast of cold temps. First off, our heater is not working right, and has been steadily falling since last night to a cool 61 deg. in the house. Secondly, I forgot that a small portion of our main water line had not been buried, and now we have no water. Pretty dumb on my part, and not sure what problems we will experiance because of this oversight. I know this, you better be properly bundled to go out, because it is as bitter cold as I have ever felt, and it doesn't take long to start having problems with exposed skin. It was -4 deg. this morning, and has only warmed up to -2 deg. , holy cow that's cold. Hopefully the cabins have not had any problems with frozen water lines, and I need to go check on them today. I am growing tired of all this, and am ready to be able to work outside in more normal conditions. I am currently working on a new exercise trail, and I have several projects that need to get done, starting with Matt's treehouse and our front entry porch. But, it's looking like a long and brutal winter, and we have a ways to go. Today is just one of those days when nothing goes right, whatever it is that I need to work, won't, whatever it is that I need to do, I can't. Oh well, some times all that we are left with is just to appreciate being alive and well. And since all of my efforts are being defeated, we have no water, and no prospects for getting some anytime soon. Wish me luck. Love to all, The Hollowhead

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