Sunday, May 8, 2011

Sore Old Guy

First week of framing behind me and I am sore and tired. It feels good though, I always feel good when I'm making something happen. I only had help 2 days, but I am close to having first floor framed. Next week my goal is to have all walls and second floor up. I want to see a rafter! The highth of the walls is impressive, in the living room the top of the walls is 12'9" with a cathedral ceiling taking that to 18'. It feels like a church. Laying out the walls for the living room has been quite the challenge, there are 22 windows and doors in this room alone. This is the room that connects with nature, the seasons, the gorge, and the massive deck that surrounds it. It has been so cool watching my plan come together. I created this plan specifically for this site, and have agonized and revised over it for 2 years to get it just right. The inspector for the bank came out this week and gave me a semi-lecture about how everybody thinks they are doing good on thier budget until they are hit with the finishing costs. He then proceeded to tell me how people just did'nt understand how expensive flooring, cabinets, and countertops were. I tried to be gracious, but the cockiness in me could not contain itself and I made some brash statements in response.  He basically told me that he has been a builder for years, and that he felt sorry for people building their own homes. I told him that I will be building all the cabinets, and installing the floorin g I buy direct from a mill. I also told him I had friends in every building category and I will buy at cost. It will be a pleasure proving this man wrong every step of the way, although he seems like a nice enough guy.  Carve it in stone, we will be under budget and appraise at the top of the limit. I should thank him for providing extra motivation, nothing drives me like someone doubting my plan or abilitys.

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