Friday, February 15, 2013

Follow the Shooting Star

Over the years, I have been very fortunate to have witnessed several celestial events because I spend so much time outside at night. Each one has left me in awe, fireballs lighting up the sky as if it were mid-day or blowing up and scattering fiery debris. But the other night I slept on the deck, and late into the night I woke up and looked at the beautiful star filled sky. At that very instant, one of the best falling stars I have ever seen cut a blazing path from the center of the universe down to the horizon. Oh my god!!! the unbelievable timing of being asleep for hours, waking up and instantly looking at my limited view of the sky and at that exact moment an awesome shooting star streaks across my field of vision! It really made me think of our destiny, we are shooting stars in the Earth's timeline and only have a short instant to make our impact on the world. I love these things, they always impress the importance of serendipity in life and how we should always be looking for signs and inspiration from whatever source  it could possibly come. For me, this event represents the start of another chapter and an end to the awesome experience of building this place. How lucky am I to be able to enjoy(for the most part) 2 years creating and building a very special spot in the Ozark Mnts? I am so thankful and grateful, and as the intensity of the project lessens, I find it slowly sinking in, and satisfaction slowly filling my hollow head.  Always be on the lookout for what comes next, always be thankful for what has passed, and always enjoy the moment you are in.  Peace, The Hollowhead

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