Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Crazy Flood damage

Wow, I never have seen anything like this. Bridge over the Osage has sustained major damage and has washed out the approaches, the gaurdrails of steel and concrete have been ripped away. The Creekhouse at the put-in has been flooded and their lower deck washed away. Part of hwy. 43 has collapsed down to 1 lane on the way to Harrison. One of the Osage headwater feeder creeks flash flooded over hwy 43 on top of the mountain, inundating a neighbors home. A 17 yr. old boy is lost in the upper Buffalo wilderness, with his grandfather already found.  Witnessing this massive flood from our perch above the Gorge was incredible, and awe inspiring. The site drains fantastic, and I feel confident that we will stay put on the mountainside. We are praying for the safe return of the boy, and for the recovery of all those affected by this tragedy. Be careful out there.

1 comment:

  1. Ice Storms, Tropical Storms, Thunderstorms...life on the mountain has been crazy lately.
